The 10 Best Car Games For Kids

This wiki has been updated 19 times since it was first published in December of 2018. Dealing with bored kids on a long road trip is the bane of every parent's existence, but these travel games for playing in the car can ease the misery by keeping restless youngsters engaged and entertained for hours as the miles fly by. From foldable boards and magnetic checkers to portable electronics and amusing wordplay, there's something for everyone in our collection of on-the-go diversions. When users buy our independently chosen editorial recommendations, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
December 21, 2018:
Provided options for solo play and multiple participants, including electronic games, travel-friendly board games, wordplay and cards. Most are suitable for a wide range of ages, encouraging creativity and the development of critical thinking skills. Those with small parts are also magnetic or otherwise less likely to get lost in the seat cushions.