The 10 Best Earplugs for Swimming
Special Honors
Surge Custom Much pricier than mass-produced options, these are a good choice for serious swimmers who have trouble finding plugs that fit just right. They're made on-demand based on impressions of your ears and can be used with or without waterproof headphones.
Editor's Notes
October 15, 2019:
Removed the HearRight Swim Soft as it doesn't provide a reliable seal nor does it fit as wide a range of ear sizes as other options on the market. Replaced the Insta-Putty Silicone with the Mack's Pillow Soft, which is both less expensive and more highly regarded. The Aqua Ears Soft Silicone and HQ Soft Silicone Set were removed due to availability concerns.
Added the Hearprotek Ultra-Fit, which are designed to let some sound through, the Speedo Ergo, which are particularly lightweight and tailored to the shape of the ear, and the Gloue Premium, a pair of goggles with reusable earplugs attached, among others.
Some options work well with swim caps, while others don't, so make sure to check the descriptions if you wear a cap regularly. The Putty Buddies Moldable, for example, explicitly state that they cannot be used with a swim cap, and anything with a long stem like the Honbay Reusable might not be comfortable with a cap pushing against them.
While the main focus of the list is ear plugs that work well for swimming, some models also work well for sleeping, air travel, or going to concerts. Mack's Pillow Soft are particularly versatile, as they're waterproof, good at blocking noise, and can help relieve pressure on a plane.