The 10 Best Flying Discs For Kids
Special Honors
Flimsee Flimsee is a backyard frisbee game played between two teams. Each team sets up sticks in the ground with cups hanging from them. They then take turns trying to knock the cups off using the flying disc, but points can be saved by catching the cups before they hit the ground. The company has starter kits with everything you need for a game, plus refresher packs of extra cups, discs, and sticks.
Editor's Notes
September 22, 2020:
We've compiled this list to not only try and represent all the different items that can be considered a flying disc but also to reflect the wide range of sports, games, and pastimes that utilize these items.
For very young children who still lack the motor skills and coordination to throw and catch well, it is important to choose something soft so it won't cause harm if it hits them, and small enough for them to hold easily. The fact that this type of disc doesn't fly as far as most others shouldn't matter to children this young either, so we recommend the Aerobie Squidgie or the Teesun Silicone. If they are a little better at throwing but it's still important that the disc is soft, then try the weightier Funsparks Easy Disk. If they're ready for a harder model but are still likely to get it in the face from time to time, it's probably best to consider a lightweight option like the Activ Life Rings.
If you're looking for a flying disc toy that can be launched using a handheld device, we recommend the Discovery Toys Sky Spin, but be aware that you need to pull quite hard on the cord for a successful flight. The Zoom-O 2-Pack is easier as it only involves pressing a trigger to release the spinners, and it has baskets on the handles for catching them as they fall, which turn this toy into much more of a game. Please be advised that these devices do release the plastic discs at quite a fast speed, so we always recommend adult supervision when playing with them.
We included the classic Aerobie Pro Ring, which has been a best-seller since it first hit the shelves in the '80s. It can be thrown extremely long distances and because it's a ring and not a disc, you can have fun thinking up unusual ways to catch it, like on your leg.
Many youngsters are taking up the relatively new sport of ultimate, which involves passing the flying disc between teammates without dropping it before making a catch on the opposite end on the field like a touchdown. This sport requires a particular type of disc that must be a certain size and weight. We added the Discraft Ultra-Star as it's been the standard disc for the USA Ultimate Championship Series since 1991.
Finally, we included the Innova Starter Set for children interested in taking up disc golf. Although there are a plethora of golf sets and goals to choose from once they start getting more proficient, this set gives them everything they need for a game, and the price shouldn't break the bank if they suddenly lose interest.