5 Professional Associations Helping Their Members Thrive
Professional associations offer a variety of services to their members, from advocacy to advice to networking opportunities. They also work to support and improve the industries they represent. The following associations, listed here in no particular order, help their members to thrive.
First up, at #1, we have the Hollywood Professional Association. Its mission is to provide opportunities to discuss, acquire, and share knowledge relevant to the professional media content ecosystem, through educational and networking events, user groups, and connected digital collaboration. The organization advances the media and entertainment industry through three pillars of activities: community, knowledge exchange, and recognition.
The HPA serves individuals, companies, broadcasters, studios, providers, and others in the post-production, digital FX, or content creation services. The core issues tackled by the association are the impact of significant technology changes on the industry, the changing economic climate and its influence on the business, and the need for the industry to share knowledge within the entire post-production community.
At #2, we have the Colorado Translators Association. Having been around for more than thirty years, it has grown from a loose grouping of local professionals into a well-organized consortium. The association is entirely volunteer-run and led by a board of directors elected by the membership.
The CTA's purpose is to provide resources for language professionals, and help connect people and companies with the local language services they need. Frequent networking events such as monthly coffee meetups, social dinners, training sessions, and its popular annual conference, round out the efforts of the consortium to play an active role in bringing together translators, interpreters, and other language service providers.
Next up, at #3, is the American Subcontractors Association. As a powerful voice in the construction industry for over 50 years, the organization works to improve business conditions for subcontractors and suppliers. It adheres to and promotes quality construction, ethical and equitable practices, and safety in the work environment.
The ASA meets annually for a national convention, providing members with an opportunity to network and participate in in-person education to further their business. The association also offers webinars on a wide variety of topics.
At #4, we have the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers. This organization represents the entire engineering community, including professionals, graduates, and students. It elevates the profile of the profession by advocating with governments, offering valued services, and providing opportunities for ongoing learning, networking, and community building.
The society regularly meets with government officials and provides actionable policy recommendations through research reports and submissions prepared by engineers. The group's career services help individuals utilize specific tools designed to develop their resume, interview style, and relevant skills.
Our #5 choice is the Restaurant Association of New Zealand. With a mission to be the link between good food and good business, it has members covering the length and breadth of the country and representing every facet of the restaurant and hospitality industry. Working with a huge range of organizations, from government bodies to advisory groups, it builds relationships, makes submissions, and lobbies for change.
The association's helpline service, staffed by legally-trained experts, assists members with everything from employment relations to leases and liquor licensing regulations. Its regional branches host informal meetups, where members can hear from relevant speakers and have a chance to network and chat with other cafe and restaurant owners in their area.