6 Critical Bodies Advancing Key Infrastructure
The efficient movement of goods, information, and people is vital for a functioning society. It's important for infrastructure to be regularly repaired, up-to-date, and accessible to everyone. Listed here, in no particular order, are groups promoting smart infrastructure development for the benefit of all.
Let's begin at #1 with Rebuild By Design, which started out as a planning competition in response to Hurricane Sandy’s devastating impact on the Eastern Region of the United States. The goal was to raise the bar for responsiveness, preparedness, and resilience.
Using collaborative and design-driven solutions to solve today’s large-scale, complex problems, the organization convenes with the government, businesses, non-profits, and community organizations, to gain a better understanding of how to prepare for future challenges.
At #2, the Wireless Infrastructure Association is composed of a diverse community of companies that make up the sector's ecosystem. Through public affairs and advocacy efforts on the local, state, and federal levels, it works to make cellular technology accessible all across the United States.
The association is focused on building strong relationships and representing the interests of its members and the industry. The organization provides dedicated resources and tools and hosts national events for the promotion of networking and new business development opportunities.
At #3, we have the Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance. This organization has been partnering with residents, businesses, and the government since 1987. It is committed to improving the quality of life in the region by making daily commutes more efficient.
NVT Alliance is focused on advancing significant regional highway and transit projects, such as lane widening, road expansion, and Metrorail reform. The organization also maintains funding sources and investments, prioritizing projects that will move the most people in a cost-effective manner and support intelligent land use.
Up next, at #4, is the Airports Council International-North America, which represents local, regional, and state governing bodies that own and operate commercial airports in the United States and Canada. It aims to advocate for policies and provide services for the benefit of its passengers, customers, and communities.
Founded in January 1948 as the Airports Operators Council, ACI-NA focuses primarily on international aviation issues, while promoting cooperation and encouraging the exchange of ideas and information among its members.
Taking the #5 spot is the Value of Water Campaign. This organization believes that a more informed citizenry is critical to promoting smart and sustainable water policy in America, for the benefit of present and future generations.
Coordinated by the US Water Alliance, which advances sustainable policies and programs, the organization provides tools and resources and holds events that grow awareness among the public and decision-makers.
Finally, at #6, we have the California Alliance for Jobs. Representing heavy construction companies and union workers from Bakersfield to the Oregon border, the organization advocates for responsible investments in public infrastructure projects.
The alliance aims to build, improve, and maintain key transportation networks, water systems, and commercial and residential buildings while creating jobs for Californians. It is focused on promoting sustainable economic prosperity for future generations.