The 10 Best Baby Car Seats

This wiki has been updated 22 times since it was first published in March of 2018. With so many options out there, choosing a car seat for a baby can be a daunting task for any new parent. Whether you are looking for something to suit a newborn, a convertible to last through the toddler years, or are ready to invest in an all-in-one that will serve an infant and on up to over 100 pounds, our selection features the best of every variety with choices to meet all budgets. When users buy our independently chosen editorial selections, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
October 02, 2019:
When evaluating the best baby car seats, we only included brands with top safety features and reliability. While the Chicco Key Fit has the highest overall crash-test ratings, all of these selections have proven impact resistance and a secure, solid installation system.
We included a mix of infant, rear-facing only seats and convertible options that last through the toddler years and beyond.
It may seem counter-intuitive to buy a seat that your child will outgrow so much sooner than the convertible options, but the carrier style offers a lot of conveniences, like the ability to take a sleeping baby from the car without disturbing them. Many parents will also choose models like the Graco Snug Lock Elite and the Britax B-Safe Ultra because they are compatible with their brand's stroller travel systems for further convenience.
Parents who find the carriers to be unwieldy because of either a heavy baby or a short parent may forgo this option and go straight to a convertible types, like the Graco Extend 2 Fit Platinum or even the Evenflo Symphony Elite that can both last until the child is over 100 pounds. They are also an excellent choice for only children or families who won't have more than one child in a car seat at a time.