The 8 Best Bed Pans

This wiki has been updated 25 times since it was first published in February of 2017. If you need a bedpan due to illness or injury, or you live with someone who does, this list showcases some of the most comfortable and convenient options. We've included models that are ideal for home use, as well as a few that are tough enough to handle a busy hospital. In addition to standard designs, we've picked some unique choices that may work better for patients with special needs. When users buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
April 01, 2021:
We removed the Conva Tec in this update, because the cons of its stainless steel material, like its cold temperature causing discomfort and sharp edges being more likely to cause serious issues than those on plastic models, outweighed the pro of its durability.
The Nova Medical Products Urinal was removed and replaced with the Tilcare Urinal, which has a similar shape and function, but offers more useful features, like a screw-top lid that's more secure than the snap-on lid of the Nova. The lid also glows in the dark, which makes it easier to find at night. And its open handle makes it possible to hang it from a bed rail for easy access.
While the Drive Medical Commode isn't technically a bed pan, we thought it deserved a place on the list since many patients who are able to sit up and get out of bed for a brief period of time find a bedside commode like this to be more comfortable and dignified than a bed pan. This model is affordably priced and can fold flat for easy storage.
Also new to the list, the AliMed Comfortable has a different shape than traditional units. It's quite wide and not as tall as many, especially near the back. This can make it easier to position under a patient, so it's a good choice for those who have had trouble with other bed pans and want to try something new.
A common complaint among bed pan users is edges that leave painful marks, or in same cases even cut into the skin. We added the KikiGoal Inflatable to the list for those with sensitive skin who are looking for an extra-soft unit. This one can be a bit tricky to get into place and pull out from under a person, but if you're able to roll over onto your side it can still be a good choice. Just be sure not to over-inflate it.
Whichever bed pan you go with, always make sure to clean it thoroughly and allow it to dry completely between uses, as failing to do so can result in infection.
April 03, 2019:
The generic bedpans sent home for the hospital are often practically disposable and subject to cracking. We made sure to include options that can handle heavier weight individuals, as well as models for smaller women because they will find the lower profile to be far more comfortable.
The Duro Med Deluxe comes highly recommended because of its thoughtful shape that includes a comfortable recessed area for the tailbone.