The 10 Best Dehumidifiers With Built In Pumps

This wiki has been updated 21 times since it was first published in January of 2019. If you live or work in a particularly damp climate and need a way to siphon all that accumulated moisture from a home or place of business, consider adding one of these pump-equipped dehumidifiers to your basement or job site to help get the job done. We've included models with built-in fans, easy-access controls, and various draining methods designed to control humidity within any large space. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
February 07, 2021:
The dehumidifier market isn’t really dominated by a few players – rather, a variety of both name and off-brands make some great models, though the range of outstanding options does become a little narrower once you consider models with powerful, built-in pumps. The key word here is ‘powerful’ as many, many dehumidifiers advertise having built-in pumps and exaggerate their capabilities, but they are little more than continuous drainage systems that struggle to pump vertically. As a result, many of the remaining options in this list like the Cadpxs Feonixs and Dri-Eaz Revolution are the ‘few and far between models’ that should be able to pump at least 10 feet or so vertically. They can make a great addition to your basement or crawlspace.
February 03, 2019:
Added the Dri-Eaz Revolution, thanks to its ability to remove up to 17 gallons of moisture per day. Its power is contained in a very compact, stackable package, making it ideal for industrial use. Also included the Tosot 70 Pint for its quiet operation and easy-to-access drain bucket. I thought the Ivation Energy Star was a worthy selection due to its 16-foot pumping capacity and 4,500-square foot coverage area. Also added the AlorAir Sentinel for its corrosion-resistant epoxy coating and ability to withstand extremely frigid temperatures. The Pure & Dry Portable offers a wide range of adjustability for surrounding humidity levels. Included the EdgeStar 70 due to the built-in memory function that can maintain its previous setting following a power outage. I also thought that the Danby Portable was a practical choice, thanks to 2 available fan speeds, innovative de-icing system, and ability to optimize its humidity output according to the surrounding conditions. Finally, added the Whynter Elite Series for the silver-coated washable pre-filter and high-efficiency airflow.