The 10 Best Dog Diapers

This wiki has been updated 31 times since it was first published in January of 2017. Whether your furry friend is incontinent, learning the basics of potty training, constantly marking his territory, or urinating whenever he gets excited, our list of dog diapers can absorb the mess, preventing accidents from ending up on your floors, carpets, and furniture. We've included a variety of form-fitting styles that comfortably fit both the male and female canine anatomy. When users buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
April 28, 2020:
Before my family and I owned dogs, I always thought that diapers were specifically geared for human babies. My original naivety with the concept notwithstanding, it makes sense that such a product could be equally beneficial (if not more so) to canines, considering their issues with potty training, aging, incontinence, and excitable urination. While pet owners can definitely use training pads to teach their young puppies about bladder control, having the convenience of a diaper comfortably wrapped around their belly sections can serve to contain messes in a similar way, but without those smelly presents ending up on the floor. Dog urine has a way of soaking through absolutely anything and everything it comes into contact with (e.g. rugs, blankets, paper, etc.), so the more absorbent these diapers are, the better off you'll be. We've included a variety of disposable and reusable options. Many of them are quite adorable, colorful, and stylish too.
We've included the Pet Magasin Reusable for their multi-layered protection and soft mesh fabric, which makes them a good choice for dealing with females in heat. Another important factor to consider is the method by which they contain messes. Both the Paw Inspired Disposable and Bodhi Disposable quickly convert Fido's urine into gel, making it much easier to deal with when removing and replacing each diaper.
Some options, like the All-Absorb Male Wraps and Vet's Best Comfort Fit, conveniently change color on the outside, letting you know when your furry friend needs a replacement.
If you have a rambunctious canine who loves to run around the house (but who may also have a problem containing her excitement), the triple-stitched design of the Pet Parents Washable is definitely up to the challenge of withstanding heavy abuse and large accidents.
Finally, we've added the Pet Soft Doggy for their ability to stretch and quickly trap large volumes of liquid, making them a good option for highly active and incontinent pets.
Special Honors
PRN Pharmacal Dedicated to serving the overlooked medical needs of the veterinary medicine community since 1978, PRN Pharmacal researches and develop therapeutic products for diseases and conditions that are often disregarded or neglected by traditional vet practices. One of the many products PRN Pharmacal produces is Proin, a chewable medication used to relieve the symptoms of canine urinary incontinence, which can be a useful alternative (or addition) to the use of diapers.
Dog Forums Free to join, Dog Forums provides a safe and collaborative online community for dog owners to discuss various topics related to the behavior, grooming, diets, and training of their pets. The forum has over 85,000 members and an intuitive search feature that can be used to locate specific topics.
Times Dogs Need Diapers
If you plan on bringing Fido for a play date to another male pup's home, you'd be smart to put a diaper on him.
Many animal lovers don't think of diapers as a dog product. They simply believe that once their pup is house trained, he'll just go outside to relieve himself and that will be that. However, not all diapers are used for bathroom matters. Mature female dogs go through something called the estrous cycle once or twice a year — you probably know this as "being in heat." Though not exactly the same, you can compare this process to a human woman's menstrual cycle because the pooch will produce some blood. The cycle typically lasts two to three weeks. Without a diaper, your dog could drip discharge all over your home during this time. Naturally, diapers come in handy in a situation like this.
As for dogs who turn your home into their personal toilet, they don't always do so due to lack of house training. Pups pee inside for a number of reasons that have nothing to do with their inability to hold it in. As a response to centuries of DNA coding that's been passed down to them, many males do something called scent marking, using their urine to assert dominance or communicate information to other pooches who are nearby. If you plan on bringing Fido for a play date to another male pup's home, you'd be smart to put a diaper on him. He may set on the path of scent marking the moment he enters a house filled with the smells of another canine.
Submissive and excitement urination can also be addressed through diapers. If you have a furry friend who piddles a little every time he becomes overjoyed to see a buddy, or he feels intimidated by a dominant figure, then you might have wet spots all over your home. You especially don't want your fluffy baby doing this at someone else's home. Be on the safe side: if you know Spotty pees a bit when he's overwhelmed, then any time there might be interactions with other pooches, just put a diaper on him. There are plenty of reasons a house-trained pup can still make a mess, and when they come up, you'll be glad to have diapers.
What To Look For In A Dog Diaper
Canines generally don't take naturally to the idea of wearing a diaper, but luckily there are models that make the transition smooth. Fastening systems that are easy to put on quickly are key, as it's often just the process of getting something on — rather than the time spent wearing it — that bothers dogs. Velcro pull tabs come in handy for finicky friends. It's important that the diaper has comfortable leg holes and waistbands, too — look for a good amount of stretch — so Fido can play and walk as he normally would. Knowing when it's time to change a diaper is critical. Some diapers even change color when wet, so you know the moment Spotty has relieved himself.
Canines generally don't take naturally to the idea of wearing a diaper, but luckily there are models that make the transition smooth.
You can choose between disposable or washable models. Disposable ones are useful when you're traveling with your pooch, since laundry machines may not always be available. If Fido becomes particularly nervous on trips, calming treats might reduce the incidents of anxiety piddling. Should your dog be a bit older and reaching an age when incontinence makes diapers a daily necessity, you might want a reusable, washable variety to save money. Some feature removable absorbent pads, eliminating the need to clean the diaper after each accident.
If you love dressing up Fido and practically treat him like your child, you're not alone. Americans love to spoil their pets. On that note, there are some truly adorable diaper designs that will actually make you excited to suit up your pet. From ones featuring denim to those boasting cute prints, there are a lot of looks to choose from. Just consider your lifestyle: if you'll be out and about a lot, you may want lighter ones that are easy to toss in a bag.
Useful Products For Accident-Prone Pooches
It's true that dog ownership can be a bit messy at times. However, the love they give back is worth every accident in the house. That being said, there are still products that will help minimize and contain the problem. Getting a dog used to training pads from a young age will teach him that he can't go wherever he wants, but rather only in designated areas. When he's ready, you can transition him to going to the bathroom outside. Don't forget to have tasty training treats ready to reinforce good bathroom behavior.
Loving Fido and ruining your house don't have to go hand in hand when you have effective stain removers.
Even if you have a well-trained pooch, you still want to take all precautions to make sure he doesn't soil that new, expensive rug. Pet gates can save you there. Rather than risk Fido wandering into a certain area when he's going to have an accident, just close that room off entirely. As for the spot where your dog does have an accident, you could have a double mess on your hands if your pooch is the type to roll in his own urine and feces. This is, unfortunately, something that certain pups love to do. You'll be grateful for a quality dog washer if that happens.
Many of us have visited the home of a pet owner who has just accepted the fact that their floors and carpets will be destroyed by their animals. You don't have to be such a person. Loving Fido and ruining your house don't have to go hand in hand when you have effective stain removers. The best ones extract the most stubborn stains and even eliminate odors. With the right products, you can encourage your pet to take his business outside and manage the situation when he doesn't.