The 10 Best Log Carriers
Special Honors
Arts & Crafts Period Scroll Made of solid brass, this model is sure to draw stares and inspire comments. It's too heavy for carrying wood over long distances, but it more than makes up for that with its value as a decoration.
3Twenty Leatherworks Handmade This beautiful model represents the marriage of style and function, as the rich leather and metal rivets certainly draw the eye. They also hold a formidable amount of lumber, though, making this more than just a pretty bag.
Mallman's Leather If you ever have need to carry lumber in a formal setting, this carrier will fit right in. The smooth-backed russet skirting leather has a sleek and polished feel, while the heavy stitching ensures nothing will fall apart mid-trip. It's so attractive, in fact, that many architects use it to carry blueprints and plans.
Editor's Notes
August 01, 2019:
One of the primary questions users should ask themselves before making a purchase is how much value they're willing to place on fashion. Many of the options listed here are beautiful — but how many people are likely to see you carrying firewood? And are you going to keep your carrier on display inside the house?
If the answer to the latter question is "yes," the Panacea Products Mission Bin is hard to beat. It will give your den a rustic feel, thanks to its leather-and-steel construction. It's not something you'll want to hide when company comes over. In fact, you may want to leave the Mission Bin inside and buy a lumber dolly to do the actual work of fetching kindling.
On the other hand, most canvas options fold up neatly when not in use, so no one needs to see them once the wood is on the fire. Some, like the Skonzig Premium, are attractive enough to double as storage. Regardless of how you feel the bag itself looks, though, the important thing is that it can completely envelop the wood, so your carpet will still look clean.