The 10 Best Reusable Produce Bags

This wiki has been updated 20 times since it was first published in May of 2020. Carrying fruits and vegetables in disposable plastic can generate a lot of trash, and may actually speed up spoilage in some foods. The reusable sacks we've listed here are great for transporting and storing produce while shrinking your environmental footprint. Keep in mind that all of these should be washed regularly, as any bag used for shopping can accumulate food-borne bacteria over time. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
September 08, 2020:
If you're the kind of waste-conscious shopper who's made the switch to reusable grocery bags, you've probably guessed that there are better solutions for storing produce than the disposable plastic sacks offered at the store. Fortunately, there are lots of alternatives available, though most options will suit some foods better than others. Fabric bags like the Vejibag 1002L or the Simple Ecology Organic Cotton Muslin retain moisture while releasing gases that might speed ripening, making them perfect for leafy vegetables like lettuce and kale. Meanwhile, the wide netting of the Ikea KUNGSFORS maximizes air circulation for roots and tubers, and stretches to maximize storage space.
Environmental impact is another important consideration - biodegradable selections like the EcoRoots Premium won't pile up in landfills at the end of their lifespan, while the Earthwise Mesh gives discarded plastic bottles a second life to keep them out of the trash. Other items on our list offer versatility, such as the Stasher Silicone Half Gallon, which works as a container when freezing, boiling, or reheating food. And while the PackIt Freezable Picnic makes a great refrigerated shopping bag, you can also use it for its intended purpose as a lunch cooler.
For storage options that will enhance your kitchen's decor, take a look at our lists of countertop and hanging fruit baskets. We've also provided overviews of personal shopping baskets and carts, to help you further reduce waste at the market.
Special Honors
Misfits Market Shopping with reusable bags is great for cutting down on garbage, but Misfits Market offers a way to fight food waste as well. It's a subscription service that delivers a weekly or biweekly assortment of fresh produce that would otherwise be discarded due to cosmetic blemishes, odd shapes, or overstocking. The company uses recyclable and compostable packaging, and sources its food from organic farmers' cooperatives.