The 8 Best Toddler Scooters

This wiki has been updated 34 times since it was first published in February of 2016. Parents of toddlers know that kids at this age have a lot of energy to expend, and any toy capable of helping them do so is worth the money. Our selection of scooters will give youngsters a measure of independence, but remember that, although they are specially designed for tots, bumps and falls are inevitable, so make sure they always wear a helmet and pads, and are adequately supervised. When users buy our independently chosen editorial recommendations, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
December 10, 2019:
When choosing the best toddler scooter, we know that safety is most parents' main priority, and all of our choices have three wheels and wider base than big-kid scooters for extra stability. Also essential is a design that's conducive to learning, as all riders will be beginners.
That's why the LaScoota 2-in-1 took the top spot for providing a removable seat to give the smallest users a chance to get comfortable with the unit and the forward movement until they decide to stand up. Additionally, once the seat is removed, the handlebars has four height adjustments and a weight capacity of 110 pounds, so it's really built to last for years.
We decided to add the Razor Jr. this time around because, although kids will outgrow it quickly, it's one of the few choices on the market with 2 wheels on the back instead of the front. This is great for the youngest toddlers who wants to play like the big kids, but no sense of balance yet.
Choosing Your Child's First Scooter
Most of the three wheel designs will have two wheels in front and one in back.
If you've ever seen a teenager speeding down the street on a scooter or at skate park performing dangerous, complicated tricks, you might think that scooters and toddlers aren't a good mix. But scooters designed especially for toddlers are built with safety and proper development in mind, and are great way to help your little tyke master a variety of motors skills while feeling like one of the big kids.
Your child's first scooter will have at least three wheels, a few models for the newest walkers will actually have four. Instead of being razor thin, the wheels on these units are larger to provide a more solid base for toddlers to learn how to keep their balance. Most of the three wheel designs will have two wheels in front and one in back. This stable configuration allows your child lean into the scooter while they steer, without having to worry so much about tipping over. A scooter with one wheel in front and two in back will offer greater maneuverability and would be best for an older toddler with better balancing skills.
Keep in mind that unlike adult scooters that fold flat easily and compactly enough to be stashed in your trunk or even in checked luggage, toddler scooters aren't the kind of thing you can bring with you on a long distance trip. Because of their stable design, these toys are generally not made to be folded, but when you are traveling with a toddler, it's best to leave large items at home anyway.
While all toddler scooters have a wider base than typical models, the younger your child is, the wider the base should be. If your little one is really young or just on the short side, look for an adjustable handle that can grow with your child.
Scooter Safety Tips
Since toddlers have just learned to walk, and require constant supervision regardless of what they are doing, it is unlikely that you'll have to worry about them zipping down the street and colliding with a car. But you'll still want to take precautions to ensure their scootering time is as safe as possible.
As you tour the neighborhood, you can show them the proper way to cross the street and practice identifying the various street signs.
Although they won't be traveling very fast, everyone riding on a scooter should wear a safety-approved helmet that includes protection for the back of the head. A skateboard helmet is the right shape. Elbow and knee pads are also recommended by safety experts.
Avoid allowing them to scooter near steps, hills, or ramps. Leave the trick scootering to experienced pros. Never allow your child to ride the scooter close to the end of a steep driveway, even under close supervision, as they could unexpectedly pick up speed and wind up in the street in a matter of seconds. To give them a little extra control, choose a scooter that includes a simple foot brake on the back wheel.
As your little tyke becomes proficient and starts making trips down the block, that's the perfect time to start teaching them traffic safety rules, both for them and those around them. As you tour the neighborhood, you can show them the proper way to cross the street and practice identifying the various street signs. Don't forget to emphasize the need to respect pedestrians who are sharing the sidewalk with them.
Important Milestones For Toddlers
The exact age range of a toddler varies a bit depending on whom you ask, but one thing everyone can agree on is that as soon as a baby takes their first step, they become a toddler. While walking is the very definition of a toddler, it's really only the beginning of the development of a whole host of gross motor skills that can be encouraged with outdoor play activities such as riding a scooter. Their language and vocabulary will also grow significantly and you'll probably notice some interesting changes in their personalities.
A lot of toddler frustration stems from the incredible amount of new skills they learn during these years and their desire to do everything themselves.
Children this age will rapidly add running, squatting, and kicking a ball to their repertoire. They are probably already adept climbers, but they will get increasingly bold in their skills, and learn how to jump, as well. In addition to scooters and ride-on toys, you can encourage your little one's development with plenty of safe places to climb and explore.
A stubborn independent streak will usually show up in the large majority of children during the toddler years, some earlier than others. If you thought you had until your child's 2nd birthday until the terrible twos reared their ugly head, you might be in for an unpleasant surprise well before that date. A lot of toddler frustration stems from the incredible amount of new skills they learn during these years and their desire to do everything themselves. Be sure to provide them with plenty of unstructured play time where you can let them try something like learning how to scooter all by themselves (with a little help from mom or dad when they'll allow it). It's important to remember that not all children progress through these milestones in the same order or at the same rate, but if you are worried about any delays, be sure to discuss them with your child's doctor.