The 10 Best Trigonometry Textbooks

This wiki has been updated 26 times since it was first published in May of 2017. Trigonometry can trigger nightmares for many students, but it doesn't have to be that way. With the right textbook, you can attain a thorough understanding of this field, rather than getting swamped by all the formulas and equations being thrown at you. Our selections will guide you gently through your coursework, so you can move to the head of the class instead of hiding under the desk. When users buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
March 08, 2019:
We aren't going to lie to you, for most people trigonometry is going to be a difficult subject to understand, let alone master. The flip side of this is that you will feel very proud of yourself after doing so. If you want the best chance of acing your upcoming courses, work through one or two of these textbooks before your class starts and you'll be leaps and bounds ahead of most of your peers. We really appreciated how Ron Larson's Trigonometry 10th Edition shows that many different paths can lead to the same result, which can be extremely helpful for students who find certain methods too difficult to comprehend, since it will teach them to consider alternate techniques they might be able to use. If you want something relatable, well as relatable as an advanced mathematics textbook can be, consider Blitzer's Algebra and Trigonometry 6th Edition. It features a lot of pop-culture references and uses them to illustrate how many of the concepts transfer to real-world applications, which is something many other texts fail to do. Those gearing up for a calculus course would be well-served by Sullivan's Precalculus: A Unit Circle Approach to Trigonometry and Algebra and Trigonometry for Early Transcendentals Calculus, since they ensure you will have all the fundamentals covered. Hands-on learners will probably want Young's Algebra and Trigonometry 4th Edition eTextbook. It is a very interactive option that is ideal for self-study.