The 10 Best Adult Party Games

Updated December 08, 2020 by Brett Dvoretz

This wiki has been updated 35 times since it was first published in September of 2015. Although our selections for this category may be listed under "Toys" in most stores, these adult party games are not for children. But they are perfect for a bachelor or bachelorette party or just a fun night hanging out with friends. They're designed to work well with large groups and be fun for all players, win or lose. Most of them will also provide everybody with a few laughs along the way. When users buy our independently chosen editorial recommendations, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki. If you'd like to contribute your own research to Ezvid Wiki, please get started by reviewing this introductory video.

1. Cards Against Humanity

2. I Wish I Didn't Know

3. Freedom Of Speech

4. Personally Incorrect

5. Draw What?!

6. That's What She Said

7. Nasty Things ...

8. Never Have I Ever

9. If You Had To…

10. Adult Loaded Questions

Special Honors

Way Out West Take your dinner back to the wild, wild west with this free western murder mystery game that provides you with characters and an intricate scenario for you and your friends to get the bottom of.

Editor's Notes

December 03, 2020:

Whether you and your friends are playing one of these at the pre-game, during the party, or when the night's wrapping up, every selection on this list is sure to provide many laughs. Unsurprisingly, Cards Against Humanity takes the top spot yet again. It paved the way for many of the others on the list and still remains the go-to when people think of adult games.

However, there are a few newcomers to the list as well. Sliding into the number two spot is I Wish I Didn't Know, a game whose beauty lies in its simplicity. It's trivia. A judge asks a question and the players answer it. Only, here, the questions are about obscure fetishes, the percentage of people that get away with murder, what "boofing" is, etc. It will never not be funny to argue with your friends about what the average penis size is.

Also added to the list is That's What She Said. We all know the joke but this pushes it a bit further by combining the concept with Cards Against Humanity. The games are indeed very similar but That's What She Said adds a unique enough twist to the format that it deserves a place on the list.

If You Had Too... is a fun one that may become more and more incoherent the more beverages enjoyed. What may begin as civilized debate can easily devolve into a bunch of drunk friends trying to yell over each other to plead their respective cases.

These are all obviously not for kids but if you're looking for other, less raunchy games to enjoy with your adult friends, be sure to check out our list of best board games.

November 30, 2019:

While we would all like to think our parties are going to be tons of fun even without props, it never hurts to have a little extra ammo on hand to ensure everybody puts down their phones for a little while and has a great time interacting with each other. These adult party games are perfect for that. Whether you have a planned game night or there is just a lull in conversation at gathering of friends, these selections are a great way to get everyone engaged and laughing, since they are designed for small and large groups, and most contain NSFW themes.

When perusing our previous recommendations, we decided to eliminate The Voting Game due to too many complaints of having very limited replay value when many of the same people are involved. Many also seem to take it too personally, and the idea is to ensure everyone at the party winds up having a good time. We also got rid of Disturbed Friends since many find the cards to be a poor attempt at humor and that it relies too much on racial stereotypes and misogyny to truly be fun for everyone.

Taking the place of one of our eliminated games we have Freedom Of Speech, which offers multiple ways to play, one of which includes drinking. Its rules are simple to understand to a large group of people only paying minimal attention too, which is vital for any party game. Plus, it has just the right level of naughtiness to be fun for even those who are easily embarrassed or offended by such things.

We also added What Do You Meme, which takes all the fun out of meme culture and brings it into your home. You and your friends will get to create your very own memes, and the funniest of the bunch wins.

Cards Against Humanity remains a top selection on this list as its popularity seems to be ever increasing. Between its high replay value and the number of expansion packs available, there is no reason you won't be able to retain it as a go-to choice on your game nights, even if they are often with the same group of friends.

How Games Are A Part Of Human Culture

This also makes the learning curve much faster and gets the players to play the game much quicker.

Humans are known for being social creatures, and games aid us in creating relationships, breaking the ice, and otherwise enjoying our leisure time. The types of games can vary from outdoor, indoor, (also known as parlor), drinking, or sport oriented. We will focus on the contemporary adult party game which is usually played indoors by adults in large social gatherings.

The ultimate purpose of a party game is to entertain. Most party games will contain similar elements for a successful experience. For instance, gameplay familiarity is a big factor for an effective party game. The template of a board game will be familiar to most adults because they can recognize a similar board game template from their childhood. Card games as well are ingrained in our youth; such as Go Fish. There are however, some unique games with different formats. Twister, for example, is a classic twist on a game enjoyed by children and adults alike that does not have the template of a board or card game. This also makes the learning curve much faster and gets the players to play the game much quicker.

Social interaction is a large component of a successful adult party game. Most games will be team oriented for this reason, though the competitive level is usually low. Some games use disparity to their advantage, purposefully pitting people against one another. A classic example would be teams of men versus women.

The adult party game usually defers from the rest in a myriad of ways. They usually encourage drinking and profanity. Some games rely on social taboos and are sexually explicit in nature.

Why Some Games Are Only For Adults

Choosing the right game will depend on many factors: number of players, comfort level, and interest. Most party hosts will present a few party game options to best suit the preferences of their guests. However, a well picked party game can have excellent benefits, and in some cases, revive a dying party.

Games can help create bonds and friendships. In the case of raunchier, sex oriented games, they may possibly suggest romantic connections between players. Games that pose hypothetical questions help players learn about each other on an intimate level, however, this feature can be viewed as a consequence as well.

Choosing the right game will depend on many factors: number of players, comfort level, and interest.

Given the social aspect of these games, most are easy to learn, inclusive of a large number of people, and do not eliminate players. This prevents the "losing" player from sitting out uninterested while the "victors" play on. For a grueling example of this, play Monopoly and go bankrupt and wait while the world turns hours later as you don't play. Lastly, these games mentioned are all humorous in nature, either by design or by the players contribution. An absolute must for any party.

What's not to love? Why wouldn't you break out an adult party game at your next social gathering? Well, there is ingrained in our human DNA an element of competition. Perhaps insidiously dormant until tempers flare and alcohol consumption rises, and it can derail an innocuous game. As discussed earlier, perhaps you get to know your fellow players too well, and some undesirable truths are voiced. This is usually when the game is ended and guests are encouraged to leave before any more damage is done.

On another note, a popular game consisting of a deck of cards will be familiar to you after a few plays, and the game becomes stale and predictable until you purchase a booster pack. Some adult party games are, well, adult, and not appropriate for children or teenagers. Some games can be downright offensive. Cards Against Humanity is a prime example of an offensive adult party game.

A Brief History of Party Games

The adult party game takes its origins from the parlor game. They rose to popularity in the mid-19th century, and they were called parlor games due to the fact that most of them took place in the parlor room. The middle and upper class citizens of the United Kingdom and the United States had more free time off work to participate in such leisure activities. They are the precursor the modern board game, and in some occasions, such as Balderdash, they are virtually unchanged from their ancestors. Their popularity waned with the rise of the home radio and television set, however, they are transformed today into the modern adult party game.

Today they exist and thrive with or without advancements in media and technology. The beauty of adult party games is that they are quite simple, require few materials, and rely upon the creativity of the players. A mediocre party game can be enlivened by enthusiastic players, and conversely, a classic game can be dampered by party poopers.

With the advent of new technology, some wonder if the board game, a classic staple of adult party games, will be obsolete. Most will disagree, as board games can be integrated with video games, a prime example being the successful Mario Party series.

Last updated on December 08, 2020 by Brett Dvoretz

A wandering writer who spends as much time on the road as in front of a laptop screen, Brett can either be found hacking away furiously at the keyboard or, perhaps, enjoying a whiskey and coke on some exotic beach, sometimes both simultaneously, usually with a four-legged companion by his side. He has been a professional chef, a dog trainer, and a travel correspondent for a well-known Southeast Asian guidebook. He also holds a business degree and has spent more time than he cares to admit in boring office jobs. He has an odd obsession for playing with the latest gadgets and working on motorcycles and old Jeeps. His expertise, honed over years of experience, is in the areas of computers, electronics, travel gear, pet products, and kitchen, office and automotive equipment.

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