The 10 Best Apple Cider Vinegars

This wiki has been updated 23 times since it was first published in November of 2017. Apple cider vinegar is good for a number of things, one of which is making delicious salad dressing. When diluted, it may also help combat sore throats, acne, and body odor (when used before showering). But be cautious about using it at full strength or if you have certain underlying health issues. It's also quite good at catching flies and mitigating potting soil deacidification. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
May 29, 2020:
It's important to note that a lot of the health claims found on the Internet regarding ACV are blown at least a little bit out of proportion, and it's only responsible to mention that apple cider vinegar and products like it should never be used in the place of real medicine for acute ailments. It's also worth acknowledging that full-strength use of ACV can be damaging to tooth enamel, skin, and the esophagus, so it's always a good idea to dilute it or mix it with another product. Nonetheless, it does offer some health benefits aside from simply being tasty.
With that out of the way, Bragg's Organic is exceptionally popular, and for good reason. Its consistency, complexity, and bold apple flavor are well known and respected among many circles. If you don't need something quite so bold, 365 Everyday Value Raw is a worthwhile choice because it's a good product and simply doesn't cost very much. Golden Valley Vinegar Fairchild's is a relatively neutral yet still high-quality option, as is White House Raw, which is available in 1-gallon jugs.
From there we move into more specialized vinegars with very specific flavors and uses. The Vermont Village Four Pack would make a fantastic variety of vinaigrettes, although it's not really great for cooking with because you'll lose a significant amount of the flavor that makes it so worthwhile. Mind Your Manna Fire Brew is a good choice for those who haven't tried a lot of fancy, infused vinegar before and want an introduction to sipping vinegars. Shire City Fire Cider and Hany's Harvest Fire Cider are similarly made for drinking straight, although not at full strength, in part because their intense flavors can be too much for some people. We also couldn't leave out the high-end Italian Due Vittorie Imported, as while it's pretty costly, it offers a very different profile than most American options.
If you want to get into making and infusing your own vinegar, you can always try your hand using a quality fermentation kit.
Special Honors
Katz Gravenstein It may be a touch more expensive than common varieties, but this single-origin ACV is made from some of the most balanced and full-flavored apples on the continent. It's received awards and recognition from a range of critics and offers a more complex profile than much of the competition.
Natural Umber Named for its rich, reddish-purple color, Natural Umber is an artisan vinegar made and bottled in the British Isles. It's renowned for its delicate yet interesting flavor that adds depth and acidity without overpowering the rest of a dish's subtle flavors.