The 10 Best Bible Dictionaries

This wiki has been updated 20 times since it was first published in November of 2018. The Bible can be one of the most encouraging and stimulating texts in the world — until you get to a word you don't recognize, that is. These dictionaries translate and define terms from ancient Greek and Hebrew, and they also give readers a thorough explanation of the context behind each verse. Many also include maps and pictures, bringing the Good Book to life like never before. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
December 11, 2020:
We've added two new items during this update, both of which are affordably priced. The Student Bible Dictionary is an enjoyable and engaging read thanks to its numerous images and user-friendly design. The New Strong's Concordance of the Bible is a classic with a unique numbering system that is suited for the more serious scholar. We've also added a new listing under Special Honors for people who want to take their understanding of the Bible to a whole new level.
We've removed the HarperCollins Revised because reviewers generally felt that it was not as good as comparable books. Jesus and the Gospels has been taken off the list because its price has increased a fair amount while its reviews have fallen. Finally, we've updated the information for every item on the list, including Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary, Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, and Smith's Bible Dictionary.
If you'd like to expand your Biblical expertise, you may also want to check out the best illustrated Bibles, audio Bibles, and Bible study kits.
November 16, 2018:
There is a gulf between books aimed at laypeople and those designed for academic use, and we attempted to bridge that gap with selections that are in-depth enough to satisfy scholars, while still being accessible enough for the average reader to understand.
Special Honors
National Geographic Holy Land Tour Nothing can compare with experiencing the world of the Bible first-hand, from Jerusalem and Bethlehem to the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. You can see the famous sites that you've studied for years right before your eyes on a trip to Israel and the Palestinian Territories with this well-respected tour company.