The 10 Best Braided Lines

Updated September 08, 2020 by Brett Dvoretz

This wiki has been updated 35 times since it was first published in September of 2015. Whether you are planning a fishing trip on a lake, a river, or out on the open ocean, make sure you select the right one of these braided lines. They are designed to provide anglers with a better sense of what is happening on the other end than mono or fluoro, and come in a variety of test strength and color options to ensure you don't have to come home with another "one that got away" story. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki. If you'd like to contribute your own research to Ezvid Wiki, please get started by reviewing this introductory video.

1. Daiwa J-Braid x8

2. SeaKnight Monster W8

3. KastKing SuperKast9

4. Power Pro Spectra Fiber

5. Spiderwire Ultracast Invisi-Braid

6. Rapala Suffix 832 Advanced Superline

7. Berkley FireLine Crystal

8. Spiderwire Stealth

9. Piscifun Onyx

10. KastKing SuperPower

Editor's Notes

September 04, 2020:

Braided line offers a host of benefits over fluorocarbon and monofilament options, namely its low-stretch, high sensitivity, and small diameter. That being said, rarely does anything good come without its own set of drawbacks, and in the case of braided line that downside is that it is harder to use, especially for beginners. If you have never used it before, you'll probably find it prone to tangling and difficult to tie. It also cuts fingers very easily, so you'll want to wear a good pair of fishing gloves when using it.

Daiwa J-Braid x8 earned top marks for both its price-to-performance ratio, and its versatility, being well suited to a range of fishing applications from bait to lure casting. It is very supple too, and will be reasonably easy to tie. We also think anglers will appreciate its middling diameter, which allows it to stand up to hard strikes and running fish without sacrificing much in casting distance.

KastKing SuperKast9 stands out for its 9-strand construction, which is more than most others. Made via a reverse spiral winding method, it is practically gap free, and that translates to a far casting distance since it glides through gear very smoothly. Its worth mentioning that Rapala Suffix 832 Advanced Superline and Spiderwire Stealth also run through gear nicely.

Power Pro Spectra Fiber and Berkley FireLine Crystal are both highly sensitive, making them good choices for those who want to map out the topography of their favorite fishing grounds, or anyone who often angles for timid species that don't strike hard. The fact that the former has an integrated line cutter in the spool adds a bit of convenience too, as you won't have to go rummaging around in your tackle box looking for your pliers or fishing knife.

April 25, 2019:

Fishing is just as much about the gear as it is the angler. No matter how good of a fisherman you are, if your gear isn't up to the task, more than likely you'll wind up losing the fish. These braided lines can help ensure that doesn't happen. While novice fisherman may rely solely on color and pound rating when choosing their line, experienced anglers understand things like diameter, roundness, smoothness, stretch, and a variety of other properties affect how well it performs. If you demand nothing but the best from your gear, we recommend checking out Daiwa J-Braid, SeaKnight Monster W8, and KastKing SuperKast9. We can't imagine anyone being disappointed having one of these on their reel. All three can stand up repeated rubbing against rough underwater objects, have minimal stretch to allow you to feel everything happening on the other end, and rarely experience wind knots when casting. Power Pro Spectra Fiber is convenient option that you can spool right out of the box, while Spiderwire Ultracast Invisi-Braid is highly visible above the waterline, yet practically invisible below it. Those who fish from the beach or other land structures and often need to cast very far to get their line in the right spot will appreciate the smoothness of Rapala Suffix 832 Advanced Superline. BraidsPro Godline has its fair share of downsides, but if you are on a seriously tight budget, you'll still be able to afford braided line with this wallet-friendly option.

What Is Braided Fishing Line?

When most people think of fishing line, they are picturing monofilament in their minds.

When most people think of fishing line, they are picturing monofilament in their minds. You know that clear fishing line you have probably been using since you were a kid fishing off the pier or in that lake near your house? That's monofilament or, as most fisherman call it, mono. Since this is the most common type of fishing line seen on reels today, you may be surprised to hear that braided line was actually one of the earliest types of fishing line. While it may have fallen by the wayside for a bit, it has been making a strong comeback in recent years.

In the past, braided line was made by weaving or braiding together natural fibers such as linen, cotton, or even silk. Nowadays though, modern technology allows us to make strands of synthetic material with exceptionally high tensile strength, and most braided line is made out of Dacron or micro-dyneemna. These materials are braided together to make a fishing line that has an actual breaking strength that far exceeds their pound-test rating.

Pros And Cons Of Braided Fishing Line

There is a lot of debate regarding what is the best type of fishing line to use, but despite differing opinions, there are certain pros and cons all can agree on regarding braided line. Here is a quick rundown of where braided line excels and where it falls short.

Pros Of Braided Line

Braided line is much stronger than mono of the same diameter. This allows you to pack more line onto a smaller real, which can be extremely important when it comes to deep sea fishing when you need all the line you can get. Another benefit is its high level of sensitivity. Since braided line doesn't stretch like mono, you can feel every little nibble on your line, even when fishing at depths of 200 feet or more.

We mentioned before how braided line is stronger than mono, but this can actually be a double edged sword.

Braided line is also more abrasion resistant than mono line and there is less chance of it getting cut off from rubbing against rocks or other underwater structures. Since braided lines are so thin, they cut through the air better than mono lines and will allow you to cast further, which can sometimes mean the difference between catching fish and missing the sweet spot where they are all hiding out.

Finally, braided line doesn't deteriorate from the sun like mono does. If it is spooled and maintained properly, you can leave it on your reel for years without it ever losing tensile strength or becoming brittle.

Cons Of Braided Line

While braided line certainly has its fair share of benefits, it also comes with a host of drawbacks. Not only does it cost 3 to 4 times more than mono, it gets tangled and knotted easier. Once it's tangled, it becomes a complicated mess and many fisherman may choose to just cut the line rather than spend an hour trying to untangle a huge knot. This could result in you going through your line quicker and, when coupled with the high price tag of braided line, it may cause you to think twice about using it.

We mentioned before how braided line is stronger than mono, but this can actually be a double edged sword. It can put more stress on reel parts, rods, and line guides or even cut into the bail when you are trying to pull a snagged hook free. With its high strength and almost nonexistent shock absorption, you may even wind up ripping the hook right out of a fish's mouth if you set it too hard.

Braided line is also highly visible in water and if you are fishing shy fish or in crystal clear waters, it may result in less bites thereby causing you to catch less fish.

When To Use Braided Fishing Line

As with anything else, your success with braided line comes down to how and when you use it. There is a general consensus among top fishermen about when is the best time to use braided line and in what conditions. Right off the bat, it can be said that if you are trolling, you would be better off sticking with mono, especially if you are targeting big game fish. Since braided line doesn't stretch, it can cause some serious damage to your rod and rod holders when a big fish strikes it. The same goes for kite fishing with live bait, as a braided line can cut off other lines if they cross.

If you are fishing in deep water or for fish that don't hit hard, braided line can be the difference between knowing when to set the hook or missing the fish. It can also be your best friend if you are fishing around structures and need to be able to pull a hooked fish clear of any underwater obstructions quickly. You would also be better off using braided line when casting lures, as it will help you get your line out further and its low wind resistance will allow you to place your lure more accurately.

Last updated on September 08, 2020 by Brett Dvoretz

A wandering writer who spends as much time on the road as in front of a laptop screen, Brett can either be found hacking away furiously at the keyboard or, perhaps, enjoying a whiskey and coke on some exotic beach, sometimes both simultaneously, usually with a four-legged companion by his side. He has been a professional chef, a dog trainer, and a travel correspondent for a well-known Southeast Asian guidebook. He also holds a business degree and has spent more time than he cares to admit in boring office jobs. He has an odd obsession for playing with the latest gadgets and working on motorcycles and old Jeeps. His expertise, honed over years of experience, is in the areas of computers, electronics, travel gear, pet products, and kitchen, office and automotive equipment.

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