The 9 Best Electric Longboards
This wiki has been updated 16 times since it was first published in March of 2019. A slightly different beast from a traditional skateboard, a longboard's wider wheelbase makes it a little easier to balance on, which tends give riders a bit more control. This is especially important when it's driven by a powerful electric motor that is capable of reaching high speeds. Here are some of the most reliable, cost-effective, and high-performing models on the market. When users buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
April 04, 2019:
Everybody knows that skateboarding is dangerous, but powered boards make high speeds quite a bit more accessible to many people, which means it's even easier to step on one of these things and bust a tail bone than it is with an everyday carver. And that's not even the half of it. If you're zooming along through traffic trying to get to work on time, even if you're going 20 miles per hour, you still look like a pedestrian to most drivers on the road. Of course that's true with any personal wheeled transportation, but with these devices, again, it's ridiculously easy to get moving that fast. To further complicate matters, if one of these things fails mid-ride, it could quickly turn into a short flight for the rider, followed by an abrupt stop on the pavement. So it's of absolute importance to choose a highly reliable electric longboard.
And here's the thing about electric longboards and skateboards: there are dozens of them readily available. Many of them are similar, and some are even the exact same devices but with different companies' stickers on them. What makes some stand out from the rest is the sourcing of quality components and skilled assembly. Not surprisingly, those two qualities are often accompanied by good-or-better customer service. What we're saying is, don't just run out and buy the cheapest one you can find online, or the one with the coolest paint job. It pays to stick with something that riders trust, especially if you're looking for a high-performing one. The last thing you want is for the batteries to short out and the wheels to lock up while you're cruising in the bicycle lane at 25MPH. Actually, for that matter, you may or may not even be allowed in the bike lane, depending on where you're riding. Which brings up two more important points: ALWAYS WEAR THE APPROPRIATE SAFETY GEAR and ALWAYS BE AWARE OF LOCAL LAWS AND OTHER VEHICLES. We really can't stress those two things enough.
But you, of course, aren't scared, so here's the deal. Boosted makes what are considered by an overwhelming majority of the community to be the highest quality electric longboards on the market. Their Stealth model is far and away the most reliable, and not only that, the company itself is known to provide stellar support. They stand behind their products and will replace a faulty one practically at a moment's notice. If you can afford it, that's the one to get. If you don't want to spend nearly so much, consider the Backfire G2S. It's one heck of a board and it costs far less than many others that don't perform nearly as well. If you want to get a good one the first time without breaking the bank, it's the one. The 2019-updated G2 is another fantastic choice, and actually has slightly superior handling thanks to its premium components, though it's hampered by less-than-ideal range. The WowGo 2S is another mid-range option that gets great marks from e-skate fanatics, and though it's not the most nimble right out of the box, it is a very good performer. The Meepo V2 is a touch more costly, but it has a huge following, and almost certainly won't steer you wrong. On the budget-oriented side, you could probably get by with the BlitzArt Tornado if you're just getting started and not sure if you want to stick with it, but be aware that it's not the most durable, and doesn't tend to have the longest lifespan. If it's a gift for a kid, the HiBoy S11 is a good one. While it's not as long as a traditional, adult-size longboard, for young people it will do just fine. Which brings us to the Linky. It's a really cool piece of equipment. It's small enough that you can take it inside without it sticking out, it can sit under your desk at school or work, it doesn't weigh much, and supposedly you can even fly with it, though you should check with any airlines first.
A couple final notes: none of these are fully waterproof. The G2S is supposedly water-resistant, but don't test it too hard. Additionally, they all run on batteries, which get hot with heavy use. Also with charging. Frankly, heat and batteries just don't mix well, and continued high temperatures can put batteries in danger of permanent failure. Make sure to let them cool before charging, and honestly, it wouldn't even hurt to have a fan pointed at the cells while they're plugged into the wall, just for longevity's sake. But we've showcased some of the absolute most reliable and respected models here, and we're certain one of them will fill your needs, and also provide a whole ton of fun.
Just wear all your safety equipment: a helmet, kneed pads, elbow pads, and especially wrist guards. You will fall on the pavement. Your wrists will take the brunt of it , so be prepared. Also it's good to have some lights. Maybe an LED vest. And always pay attention!