The 10 Best Tumbler Turners

This wiki has been updated 19 times since it was first published in October of 2019. The latest craze in the crafting world is designing your own cups. With the use of epoxy, glitter, vinyl, paint, and much more, you can create a one-of-a-kind vessel for your drinking pleasure. These tumbler turners are made specifically for holding cups in place as you decorate them, and we compiled this list to help you choose the best one to make all of your designs come to life at home. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
March 12, 2020:
If you are in the business of creating hand-designed tumblers, or you are just a crafty person, then a turner is going to be a useful addition to your arsenal of craft supplies. Choosing the best turner, however, may not be as easy as checking the price tag.
Turners are motorized devices that hold cups in place and keep them level as they spin them, keeping both of your hands free to decorate them. You will find both wooden and metal turners to choose from, as well as a wide price range. Wooden turners are durable and have more of a visual appeal, whereas metal turners have a mechanical appearance. Metal options are durable if you select one made from a sturdy, heavier material.
You also want to pay attention to the motor features, such as how many times it spins in a minute and if it spins in both directions. These little details can make a big difference in how efficiently you can make your cups. Metal options come in various colors, such as the Mookis Craft Turner, while wooden styles, like the Orasant Machine, do not normally come in colors; however, you can always paint them to your liking.