The 7 Best Wipe Warmers
Special Honors
Dexbaby Space Saver This unique vertical design won’t take up much space on your changing table, and it glows softly to help you see what you're doing at night without turning on a bright overhead light that could disturb your baby. The handy viewing window lets you know when it’s time to refill it. It provides you with warm, comfortable wipes with no browning or drying out.
Editor's Notes
April 01, 2020:
Many a new parent dreads diaper changes, as they often result in a screaming and shivering baby. These handy wipe warmers can come to the rescue, as they'll help you clean your infant without the jolt of an uncomfortable, cold wipe. They’re especially useful for late-night diaper changes, since your baby won’t be jarred wide awake by an icy cold sensation. Speaking of which, some models, like the Munchkin Warm Glow and the Hiccapop Dispenser, even come with soft nightlights that help ensure you see what you’re doing without having to subject your baby to any bright overhead lights.
Today we added a third model from Prince Lionheart that’s designed to be used with reusable wipes. The Prince Lionheart 9001 will keep its contents moist and fresh, thanks to its patented anti-microbial pillow. It features a three-part heating system and conveniently can be opened with just one hand. It comes with your choice of four or 12 of the manufacturer’s reusable wipes to get you started. Note that many satisfied users report it also works great with other brands of reusable wipes. This model joins the Prince Lionheart Ultimate on our list, which works well with either disposable or reusable wipes, and it too makes use of the manufacturer’s anti-microbial pads to keep it free of odor- and mildew-causing bacteria. Note that replacement pads are readily available from the manufacturer. For a compact version that’s useful when you’re on the go, check out the Prince Lionheart Compact, which holds up to 30 wipes and comes with both wall and car adapters.
Also joining the list today is the NCVI Dispenser, which lets you adjust the internal temperature within a safe range by use of up and down buttons on either side of the digital temperature indicator. It too comes with both wall and car adapters, so you won’t need to purchase a separate one for when you’re on the go.
No matter which model you decide upon, be sure to keep it unplugged when it’s not in use, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, including when and how to add water. To ensure babies’ safety, always change them on a stable, flat surface, and never leave them unattended on a changing table, even for a moment.
Baby Accessories That Are Far From Frivolous
Anyone who has ever set foot in a store catering to families with young children will tell you there is a glut of products on the market today.
Anyone who has ever set foot in a store catering to families with young children will tell you there is a glut of products on the market today. (The same can be said for the household with many parents of newborns who are apt to buy or accept as gifts any product that may make their lives even slightly easier.) While many tools, toys, and accessories designed for use in the care of infants are all but indispensable for proper care -- this list including items such as a reliable thermometer, bottles, swaddling blankets, and so forth -- many are indeed superfluous and others even counter productive.
Seats that encourage an infant to sit upright before they are able to do so of their own accord may in fact slow their physical development, for example, while other items such as toys featuring cords, smaller pieces (or pieces that could become detached), or sharp areas can be downright dangerous for small children.
On the other side of the equation are gadgets and devices that might not be 100% essential to the process of raising a happy, healthy child, but that can do much to make a parent's life easier and a child's life more comfortable. Into this category go items such as rocking bassinets, which can help soothe a small child far better than a static crib, baby carriers, which can help a child to feel safe and secure even as they are also easier for a parent or caregiver to move around with, and high end video monitors -- yes, an audio only monitor can help you keep tabs on your child, but a video monitor helps you know exactly when they need help, or when they're simply being active and perhaps a bit fussy in their crib or bassinet.
One gadget that might seem superfluous to the inexperienced parent will also hear its praises sung when discussed among seasoned moms and dads, and that is the wipe warmer.
Choosing The Right Wipe Warmer
A cold, wet baby wipe can bring extreme discomfort and distress to a child. Imagine yourself being wiped down with a cold, wet towel and you will gain some appreciation for how unpleasant the experience might be, especially given the lack of control and limited understating a very young child possesses. The solution to making every diaper change, potty session, or post meal cleaning is to simply use warm wipes.
A wipe warmer is a uniquely purpose built item, which truly provides only one service: it helps to keep baby wipes warm.
A wipe warmer is a uniquely purpose built item, which truly provides only one service: it helps to keep baby wipes warm. A warm wipe can be soothing and pleasant on the soft, sensitive skin of a young child, helping to keep your young one calm and relaxed as you clean them after a diaper change, a meal, a spit up, or any of the many other things in life that can cause a child to be dirtied. Using a wipe warmer can help dispel the often negative associations children form with diaper changes or cleaning of the hands and face, making life easier and less stressful for everyone in the family.
Most wipe warmers on the market today work well and are generally well reviewed, so feel free to choose a unit based on aesthetics if you'd like. You can also consider details like a viewing window that lets you see the stock inside your warmer and a light to help illuminate the wipes. Some units are more compact than others, and a few even feature car charging options; if you travel often, these might be viable options. If you tend to stick close to home, consider capacity over compact convenience.
Words Of Wisdom For Wipe Warmer Use
Almost every baby wipe on the market is a common size and shape, at least when folded up inside its packaging, so finding the right size of wipe to use in your wipe warmer will not be much of an issue. However that is often where the similarities among baby wipes ends. Some wipes hold moisture better and for longer than the counterparts, and will remain moist even when removed from their original packaging and placed in a warmer for many days or even weeks; others tend to dry out much more quickly, and using a wipe warmer will only expedite this process. It will likely take some trial and error before you figure out which baby wipes maintain their moisture long enough to suit your family's needs (and that are durable and comfortable enough to be suitable for your little one in the first place).
Make sure to fully dry and clean out your wipe warmer using antibacterial sprays or wipes at least once or twice a month, if not more often.
If you find your wipes are drying out too often, consider loading your wipe warmer more frequently but with fewer wipes. You can plan to load several wipes into the unit at the end of each day, just before your child's bedtime, so that they will be warm when needed in the morning (or the middle of the night) yet still moist as well. Alternatively, adding a bit of water into the warmer is a fine idea as well.
Make sure to fully dry and clean out your wipe warmer using antibacterial sprays or wipes at least once or twice a month, if not more often. Warm, moist, and dark environments are absolutely ideal for mold growth, and that's certainly not something to which you want your young one exposed.
And do make sure to dispose of wipes in the trash, not the toilet, as many plunging systems and the civic infrastructure beyond can't handle these durable little squares.