The 10 Best Flour Sifters

This wiki has been updated 34 times since it was first published in February of 2016. Bakers of every stripe, from commercial pastry chefs to casual home cooks, know that a sifter is an essential kitchen gadget. When it comes to removing clumps and aerating flour, confectioners' sugar, cocoa powder, and other dry ingredients, there is no better instrument. Our selection will help keep all of your cakes, cookies, and breads light, fluffy, and delicious. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
July 23, 2021:
We have one newcomer to report today. Mrs. Anderson’s Baking Tamis sports the classic sifter design and is as straightforward as they get. However, the Epica Bellemain retains the top spot because of its precise construction and crank, which makes it easy to process large batches of flour at once. The rest of our choices have not changed. For use with powdered sugar instead, consider the tiny Oxo Good Grips Wand.
August 04, 2020:
Whether you're an occasional cook or dedicated baker, we still think the Epica Bellemain and the Chef'n Sift'n Sieve are fine choices. Neither is particularly complicated to use, and they're both appropriately durable given the price. For something larger, we selected the Norpro Polished instead of the relatively similar ChefGiant Rotary. The rotating mechanism in the latter doesn't adequately contact the screen, which can be frustrating.
As for electric options, we've kept the popular Norpro Battery Operated, and added the KitchenAid Sifter + Scale. Note that the KitchenAid model is an attachment; it does not come with a stand mixer, so you should take a look at this option if you already have a KitchenAid or if you're planning on investing in one. And if you're looking to go the opposite way by grabbing a completely low-tech, simple choice, the LiveFresh Strainer is still a useful tool — if you don't have a large amount of flour to process, as using it can be time-consuming.
Finally, after some consideration, we have kept the Prepworks by Progressive. Although it has a clever design, it isn't the most intuitive to use, and cleaning it can be fiddly. For many, the built-in measuring cup will be worth any extra little hassles, but for those who don't have a lot of patience in the kitchen, it may not be the right choice.
April 25, 2019:
If you need something that works quickly and can handle both fine and coarse ingredients, it's hard to beat the Epica Bellemain, which has a smooth-turning hand crank and a single mesh screen that won't get clogged up by clumps of flour or sugar. The Westmark One-Handed, Cuisipro Scoop, and Kitchen Winners Stainless Steel all have squeeze-trigger handles, which means you can operate them with one hand, but that tends to get tiring after a while, so they're best suited for sifting just a few cups at a time. If you suffer from arthritis or another condition that makes manual tasks difficult, the Norpro Battery Operated will take all the work out of sifting, but it should not be used with messy ingredients as the mesh screen is the only part that can be washed — the bowl and handle can only be wiped clean. The LiveFresh Strainer is well-made and can be used for a wide variety of tasks, but it could take quite a while to go through a large quantity of flour, so it's probably not the best choice for big projects.
Special Honors
BEcom BE-FS-10 Commercial bakeries can rely on the BEcom BE-FS-10, a mobile machine that offers a capacity of over 4,000 pounds per hour. Designed to aerate and remove clumps efficiently, it arrives with three screens of varying sizes so you can achieve the proper sift for different needs.
Choosing and Using a Flour Sifter
Some sifters use grip-operated levers to shift their grates as they sift flour, and these options allow for precise control of the volume passed through.
Flour is the foundational ingredient of countless foods, including some of the most basic and beloved things we eat, from loaves of bread to birthday cakes to pastries to sweet and savory pies and beyond. The kitchen without a ready supply of flour on hand is never truly complete, and the long, stable shelf-life of this ancient staple paired with its low price make such an omission a flagrant violation in the eyes of any serious chef.
However, merely having flour on hand is not always enough; you also need to know what to do with it, and you need to be ready to properly measure, handle, and store flour, as well. We'll discuss flour storage (and how to know if it is safe for use) in detail later. For now, assuming you have a decent array of measuring cups and a fine set of measuring spoons, it's on the often-overlooked flour sifter that we'll focus. Before we talk about how to choose the right unit for your kitchen, let's first deal with the common questions of when, why, and how do you use a flour sifter, anyway?
Sifted flour is, as the name suggests, passed through a sifting mechanism that helps to remove all the clumps and chunks that are commonly found in flour, especially if it is older or has been exposed to moisture. Thoroughly sifted flour is light and airy and can be more easily mixed into doughs and batters. The process removes the likelihood of powdery lumps turning up in a loaf of bread or of a cake collapsing due to an uneven interior structure.
Flour sifters are excellent tools for the baker, therefore, and are especially useful not only for processing flour but also for blending in other dry ingredients, such as the salt, garlic powder, or other herbs and spices mixed into a bread recipe, or the sugar, cocoa, or cinnamon used in cookies, pastries, and more. Sifting flour is also quite important when a new bag of flour is being opened or when you are using flour that has been sitting in storage for some time. This is true both to help aerate the product, and to help remove any unwanted items lurking within, such as insects or bits of other foodstuffs from a past cooking session.
Now, as for the flour sifter that is right for you, that depends on how frequently you will use the device and how much flour you are likely to process at a time, as well as on which type of operating mechanism you prefer. For indeed even the finest flour sifters designed for standard household use are pleasantly low-priced, so your budget is hardly a concern. Some sifters use grip-operated levers to shift their grates as they sift flour, and these options allow for precise control of the volume passed through. However their use might be uncomfortable for those with compromised grip strength such as can be caused by age, injury, or medical condition.
Rotary-style flour sifters are a good choice for the cook who needs to distribute large amounts of the foodstuff at a time, and they are easy to operate continuously. They are, however, slightly harder to control with precision. Finally the simplest design of sifter might be the best for some chefs: many sifters resemble nothing more than a broad, shallow bowl with a fine mesh at the bottom. They are operated by being tapped or shaken from side to side, and are ideal for scattering flour over a large area at once, such as the cook might need for breading cutlets of meat or dusting a cake or loaf of bread with flour that will enhance the character of the crust.
Flour Storage 101: Keeping a Staple Food Safe
Checking the sell by or best by date on the bag of flour you are purchasing is a good way to tell how long the foodstuff might last, but in fact for reasons of legal protection, most brands use a date range that is much shorter than the actual safe "lifespan" of this versatile staple. All-purpose flour that is stored in a cool, dry place and that is properly sealed will keep for at least a year if not longer. In the fridge, that same flour can last for two years with ease. In a freezer -- especially a deep freezer -- flour will often remain safe for cooking for half a decade. (If your flour becomes infested with bugs, or if you even suspect it might be, placing it in the freezer for several days can kill insects, larva, and most eggs. But of course replacement might be the better idea.)
Most people store flour in a kitchen cabinet, and this is a perfectly acceptable practice.
Most people store flour in a kitchen cabinet, and this is a perfectly acceptable practice. However note that flour is unique in being one of the few products not necessarily kept at its freshest when left in its original unopened package. If you buy a bag of flour you are unlikely to use for a while, wrap an airtight plastic bag around the sealed paper packaging, or else slide the unopened bag into a container that can seal. If neither of those are options, consider placing the foodstuff into a large jar or canister that seals securely.
If you regularly cook with flour but tend to use smaller amounts, it's a good idea to distribute some flour into a moderately sized container intended for regular use while leaving the bulk of the food in a container that can generally be left sealed and undisturbed. And for the record, if your flour looks or smells odd, it has probably turned rancid and should be discarded. Fortunately, replacing it is an easily affordable proposition.
The Many Modern Types of Flour
When most people speak of flour, they are talking about the product created by the milling of wheat. However, as the gluten-free movement has gained strength (largely inexplicably, due to the fact that this protein is harmless if not outright beneficial for most people), many people have looked for alternatives to flours made from wheat.
Rice flour has little-to-no taste and readily takes on the flavor profile of the other ingredients you use.
Many people agree that brown rice flour is the best stand-in for traditional wheat flour when you are preparing classic foods like breads, biscuits, muffins, and so forth. Rice flour has little-to-no taste and readily takes on the flavor profile of the other ingredients you use. It is an ideal choice for homemade pastas as well.
For pastries, cakes, and cookies, some people prefer a flour substitute that does add a bit of flavor, with both coconut flour and almond flour delivering a bit of sweetness and, as expected in the case of the latter, nuttiness.
Finally, if you wish to add protein to a food you are baking, consider using chickpea flour or a flour sourced from seeds, such as the pumpkin seed or the protein-packed sunflower seed. Just note that cooking times often have to be adjusted when flour alternatives are used.