The 8 Best Rebounders
Special Honors
Bellicon Classic Designed for a lifetime of reliable performance, the Bellicon Classic has a matte black, powder-coated finish and is available in 39, 44, and 49-inch frame diameters. Its bungee cord suspension system comes in five resistance strengths to ensure that you get the bounce performance that's ideal for your weight and fitness level. The standard mat provides a flexible non-slip surface and is custom designed from high-quality Permatron. You can choose from a multitude of colors for the bungees and mat, and have the option of selecting screw-in or folding legs for your convenience.
Editor's Notes
July 30, 2021:
Unfortunately, our previous #1 from David Hall is now very tough to get your hands on, and if you can find it, it's likely to be sorely overpriced. That's not a huge problem, though, as the Maximus Pro Quarter is just about as nice and has a similar stability bar. If you don't need a handlebar but instead want something remarkably robust, the JumpSport 350 Pro and its two more costly relatives are worth a look. Their stability and long-term strength are ideal for even the most dedicated workouts.
January 02, 2020:
Rebounders offer a great, low-impact way to build endurance and get your heart rate up while toning the legs and straightening the core. They can also improve posture and assist with lymphatic drainage, and they're easy on the joints, which makes them a solid option for seniors. That being said, they are not for everybody. If you have a history of back pain or problems, or have had certain surgeries, it's best to check with a physician before you purchase one.
For beginners, models like the SportPlus Silent, Maximus Pro Mini, and Upper Bounce Mini are solid, as they come with built-in stability bars and handrails. These can be extremely helpful when you're just starting and need to adjust to the motion of jumping up and down, or if your center of gravity is less than reliable. Newbies should start slow and run through basic warm-ups and exercises before adding in items like resistance bands and ankle weights.
Speaking of accessories, if you're looking for something that comes with a little extra, consider the Maximus Pro Quarter or Stamina InTone Jogger, both of which come with resistance tubes and, in the Maximus Pro's case, sand weights.
Today's update saw the removal of the Stamina InTone Plus to make way for the top-of-the-line David Hall's Cellerciser. The Cellerciser was made for serious rebounders who want something to last for years and years, and its meticulous design using extremely high-quality materials ensures it will. We also said goodbye to the JumpSport Fitness 550, supplanting it with the far more popular and more affordable JumpSport 350 Pro from the same company. The 350 Pro is a solid alternative to the Cellerciser if you're looking for something well-made and long-lasting but don't necessarily want to go the extra mile when it comes to design.
Always be sure to inspect your rebounder before use to ensure it's in working order to avoid falls and injury. Make sure it is placed on a stable surface, away from furniture and the wall, and always supervise children if they use it.
How To Keep As Healthy As An Astronaut
I know the lot of you didn't come here for science class, and some of your eyes just glazed over as though I dropped a hefty textbook onto your desk.
A rebounder, which is really just a small trampoline, is a pretty simple tool.
It's a small metal circle supported by legs. Springs are attached to the inside of the circle by one end, and to a disc-shaped bounce mat of polypropylene on the other.
When weight is placed on the disc, the springs load downward, absorbing the weight as potential energy that is then kinetically rebounded back up, flinging the disc and anything on it skyward.
The result is a low-impact, cardiovascular stimulation for anyone who bounces on one. It's also fun, which is probably the best thing about them.
But, in addition to getting your heart rate up and being relatively easy on your knees and back, a rebounder can do things for you that other exercises can't.
This is where we get to talk about the lymphatic system.
I know the lot of you didn't come here for science class, and some of your eyes just glazed over as though I dropped a hefty textbook onto your desk. But I promise I'll make it fun and brief.
Your lymphatic system is key to regulating your immunity. That means not getting sick.
Have you ever been under the weather, or had a head cold, and it felt like there were two small golf balls attached to the sides of your neck? Those were swollen lymph nodes, which bloat up as they work to rid the body of toxins. The better your lymphatic system is functioning, the fewer toxins you hold. Fewer toxins is a good thing.
And rebounding, more than almost any other exercise on the planet, is poised to take extra special care of your lymphatic system. Even NASA wrote about it.
The Spring And The Band
So, you're ready to get bouncing.
You spend your days at work, sitting at your desk and daydreaming about that vertical motion, that low-impact, high energy fun fest toward which you've been angling.
But the question about which rebounder to get still plagues you like a cricket hidden and chirping in the living room.
Should you settle for something less expensive, or go for broke with the best the market has to offer?
If you're worried at all about the noise, either for your neighbors' sake or for your own sanity, go with bands.
I've always been in the camp that spending more on something should help ensure that you're actually going to use it. At least, that's how my psychology works.
I know some other people, on the other hand, who won't use something simply because they spent too much money on it, and now they're scared to wear it down with usage, as though a rebounder was created for you just to look at it.
So, let's say you know yourself well enough to know what price point will get you jumping. Another important question still remains: Springs or bands?
You can't say that one is more durable than the other, since you can get very cheap and very high quality versions of each. The good news for you is that any of the rebounders in our list undoubtedly have higher quality springs and bands.
I'll tell you this: even the quietest springs are louder than the loudest bands.
If you're worried at all about the noise, either for your neighbors' sake or for your own sanity, go with bands. They tend to be a little more adjustable than springs, as well, so your weight matters less.
One negative thing about the bands: they're generally harder to set up. If you've got a friend handy who can help you, go for it. If you're a loner, then the springs will be your best (and only!) friend.
Spaceball Before It Was A Movie
When I was a little kid, my mother took me to help her friend out with a garage sale she was having. At that sale was an ancient rebounder, probably from the early 1970s.
I stepped up onto it and was immediately yelled at to get off. Apparently, it was not safe for a 60 pound kid, and she was still trying to sell it to unsuspecting adults.
Apparently, it was not safe for a 60 pound kid, and she was still trying to sell it to unsuspecting adults.
It would be a while before I felt comfortable rebounding again, so deep was that memory carved into my child's impressionable brain.
The rebounders those days were primarily targeted at housewives who wanted a fun, easy way to get in shape. The origins of rebounding and trampolines, however, are far more storied than the papered walls of suburbia.
Trampolining itself can be traced back to Native American and Medieval practices of simply throwing a person up off a sheet held among a few other people. Basically, the people's arms were used instead of springs.
Later, in the early 20th century, circus performers and their ilk used a spring-loaded trampoline surface dressed like a bed to perform daring feats of slapstick.
By the middle of the 20th century, NASA had begun to use trampolines and rebounders to increase the G-force resistance of their astronauts. They even developed a game called Spaceball, which was centered around a collection of trampolines.
The home fitness craze of the 70s through to today has kept the rebounder a current and effective tool for anyone to get in shape and to stay healthy.