The 10 Best Robotic Baby Dolls

This wiki has been updated 24 times since it was first published in January of 2019. It's human nature to want to care for and love a little baby, and children demonstrate that urge from a very young age. These interactive, robotic dolls can scratch that itch to nurture by demanding they be taken care of. This list has both cartoon-like and realistic-looking options that all produce sounds, with many performing more advanced operations like mouth, eyes, and head movements. When users buy our independently chosen editorial choices, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
December 11, 2020:
Using the term somewhat loosely, this list of "robotic" dolls contains some items that only produce sounds when triggered, while other models do in fact have mechanisms for performing motorized movement. Many items previously listed have since become unavailable, but there were plenty of new options to include in the freed-up places. Also, including three dolls from the same "Baby Alive" series seemed a little excessive, so we narrowed that to just one to give users an idea of what they can do. If that particular toy floats your boat, there's a dedicated list of the best Baby Alive Dolls you can consult.
Some of the models, like the Lissi Baby Beatrice and the Corolle Interactive, are only good for producing words and sounds when certain parts of their body are pressed. This is all well and good, but the overall experience is not as engaging as models that try to teach a little more about caregiving, such as the Cry Babies Ladybug (that sheds tears until its pacifier is given), the Baby Born 916373 (that requires a medicine spoon or thermometer, depending on what's wrong), and the Adora Sweet Dreams, whose sounds are triggered by affectionate actions such as back-patting, tickling, and kissing.
The more advanced models on the list can move certain parts of their bodies as well as produce sounds. The JC Toys Missy Kissy has the ability to turn its head and close its eyes, the Baby Alive Real As Can Be can wiggle its body when tickled, and the Baby Annabell Zapf Creation can move its mouth and has a wetting function.
The Mealtime Magic Mia and the Luvabella Newborn are perhaps the best for motorized capabilities however. The former can actually stick out its tongue to blow raspberries and move its mouth during feeding, while the latter can produce a number of realistic facial expressions, suckle, and has a tummy that goes up and down to imitate breathing once it's asleep.
January 28, 2019:
We included a variety of dolls so that individuals looking for an astonishingly life-like model to add to their high-end collection and kids who just want a classic toy to love and cuddle can find what they need here. Most of our selections come with cute accessories that that add to the interactive experience. We rounded up choices for most ages, from little kids to adults.
Special Honors
Lovot Okay, so it's not really a baby doll, but it's certainly a robot, and a very advanced (and cute!) one at that. It uses a camera and hidden sensors to detect touch and whether or not it knows you, and it has wheels for getting around. Just expect to pay through the nose of course.