The 10 Best Science Fiction Board Games

This wiki has been updated 16 times since it was first published in September of 2020. Oftentimes, board games are set in the fantasy realm of knights, kings and queens. Here, we offer some different choices like futuristic new worlds that will have you fighting diseases, exploring planets, and traveling to the furthest reaches of the galaxy. We have included several types of tabletop variants such as deck building, strategy, cooperative, and a few where luck will play a part. When users buy our independently chosen editorial picks, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
November 11, 2020:
Board games can be a great way to socialize and learn new skills while battling or teaming up with friends. The many styles we have included here should suit a wide variety of players and their different tastes. If you have read the rules of a game you've purchased and are still finding it hard to grapple with, we encourage you to head online where there's a robust network of gamers ready to help you learn.
If you like strategy games, check out Fantasy Flight Game's Cosmic Encounter, Gale Force Nine's Dune, Jacob Fryxelius' Terraforming Mars, and Seth Jaffee's Eminent Domain. All have their own unique styles, battle mechanisms, and rate of play, while simultaneously sticking to the classic strategy game type.
For those after a quicker paced game that doesn't have a steep learning curve, Cryptozoic Entertainment's Anatomy Park and Don Eskridge's The Resistance are worth looking into. The former is based on the hit show Rick & Morty and includes hilarious cards and art that will having you laughing while you play. The latter is full of lying and trying to figure who indeed is the spy, which creates a very intense environment that may just have you apologizing to your friends when the round is over.
Finally, if you just want everyone to come together and get along, consider Z-man's Pandemic. Here, you and your team will race to contain infectious diseases and outbreaks. Be patient however, as this game is no easy task and will throw many challenges into your path to victory.
Special Honors
Boardgames Reddit This community is full of people who hold vast knowledge of almost any game you can think of. Oftentimes, they are willing to field questions on how certain campaigns or setups work, and you can easily create a reddit account to engage with them.