The 10 Best Speed Bags

This wiki has been updated 36 times since it was first published in September of 2015. If you're bored with jogging, aerobics or other traditional fitness routines, give one of these speed bags a spin. Not only are they a great way to blow off steam, but they'll also help you build endurance and improve your timing and hand-eye coordination. Whether you're a serious martial artist, an experienced boxer or just love cardio, they will provide a rewarding challenge. When users buy our independently chosen editorial recommendations, we may earn commissions to help fund the Wiki.
Editor's Notes
April 14, 2021:
We made it through this round of updates without making any major changes. There were, of course, a couple of eye-catching designs that got our attention, but after some consideration we ultimately decided that we weren’t willing to part with any of our existing special edition choices – like the Title Boxing Limited Edition Ali or Ringside Heritage – in order to make room for them.
Speed bags are an excellent way to tighten up your hand game, but just remember: none of these options – save the Everlast Six-Piece Set – will do you any good unless they’re coupled with an serviceable speed bag platform.
March 05, 2020:
This set of rankings evolved significantly over the course of this update, as we removed the Eshion Speedball due to availability issues and replaced the budget-friendly Luckart Fitness with the similarly priced (but better-reviewed) Meister Speedkills. Furthermore, we eliminated four offerings from Title, in order to make room for some noteworthy brands that were left out previously, but we did add the Title Boxing Limited Edition Ali – a smart-looking homage to the legendary pugilist – in order to make sure the company maintained some representation.
We also decided to do away with the MaxxMMA Reflex – a self-supporting option that sits atop a flexible rod that sits atop a stand, allowing it to be installed in any open space, without the assistance of a wall-mountable speed bag platform. As an editor, this was a tough decision because, in theory, I love the idea of an option that requires zero installation and makes training possible for people that have nowhere feasible to mount a platform. However, in practice, the experience offered by models like these is nowhere near that of a traditional speed bag. If anything, it’s closer to a substitute for a double end bag. Ultimately, it was determined that it didn’t have what it takes to remain listed on this wiki.
Some of the new options we introduced include the Cleto Reyes Platform – a well-built model that’s handmade in Mexico and available in four colors, the Ringside Heritage – a top-end offering from the company with engraved details on drum-dyed leather, and the RDX Training Ball – which comes with a stainless-steel swivel.
A few considerations to coordinate before you make your purchase:
Shell: Not only is this your speed bag’s first line of defence, in terms of absorbing impact, but it’s also the first and last word on your equipment’s aesthetic, so pick one that’s as tough as it is good looking. As far as toughness goes, although there are certainly durable synthetic options out there, many experienced fighters consider full-grain leather options like the Meister Speedkills to be on top of the pile. Full-grain leather, in contrast to corrected or top-grain leather, hasn’t gone through any buffing or sanding processes to remove its imperfections, and thereby manages to maintain all of its strength. Some synthetic options, like the eye-catching Ringside Apex, look great when you first take them out of the box, but don’t looks so flashy as they begin to peel after continual use.
Bladder: Most importantly, this determines how your bag bounces, but it also plays a deciding role in how much abuse your bag will take before blowing up, so make sure you pay attention to it. Although plastic bladders do exist, they’re rarely used because of their bad reputation for being unresponsive. Lightweight latex bladders, like the one in the Ringside Apex and Meister Speedkills, are favored for their quick bounce and responsiveness, but they do leak air faster than rubber alternatives, so you’ll need fill them up frequently. Rubber bladders, like the one in the RDX Training Ball, don’t bounce as well as their latex equivalents, but they’re much tougher – so they tend to last longer and need to have air added less often. The Balazs Lazer, which is designed in a manner that prevents its bladder from being replaced, has a butyl-rubber bladder that the company simply says “never pops.”
Loop: This is the part up top that your swivel hooks onto. As I’m sure you can imagine, it’s under a lot of tension during your training rounds, so it needs to be tough. Most top-end options have loops fastened with rivets, but some go further than that to ensure their loops longevity. For example, the Ringside Heritage has a loop constructed with quarter-inch cow hide, and the Balazs Lazer features a triple-stitched kevlar loop.
Special Honors
Fairtex SB1 and SB2 Handmade in Thailand, these solid-colored speed balls might not be winning any fashion contests, but the five-inch-diameter SB1 and four-inch-diameter SB2 reflect a level of craftsmanship that more equipment manufacturers should aspire to. Although they're modestly priced, you can expect these bags to last just as long as alternatives that come at twice the cost.
Title Double End Bags Speed bags are an ideal way for beginners to start cultivating their hand-eye coordination, but in practice it might not do much good against an experienced opponent if it isn't coupled with good reaction speed. When you're ready to start working with a bag that requires more fast thinking and interaction, then it's time to consider a double end bag. Title offers a variety of well-built options that are available in various styles and sizes, each with its own inherent strengths and weaknesses.
A Brief History Of Boxing
As you might expect, most Roman bouts ended when one person was dead.
If there's such a thing as a universal desire, one that transcends both time and location, it's the urge to punch your fellow man in the face. The only thing that rivals it is the desire to watch your fellow man get punched in the face, and that's why we invented boxing.
The Sumerians, Assyrians, and Babylonians all enjoyed competitive face-punching, but it's the ancient Greeks who truly elevated it to an art form, as boxing was first introduced as an Olympic event in 688 B.C.E. Fighters wrapped their fists in leather and would hit each other until one quit or was unable to continue.
Meanwhile, the Romans saw this sport and immediately thought, "'s pretty violent, but I bet we could probably make it more violent." To that end, they added metal studs to the leather hand wraps, creating a weapon known as "the limb piercer." As you might expect, most Roman bouts ended when one person was dead.
Eventually, however, even the Romans had to admit that perhaps their sport was a little brutal, leading to a ban in 393 C.E. As a result, pugilism would mostly lie dormant until the early 16th century, when bare-knuckle boxing would start becoming popular in England. Unfortunately, the rules were still rather murky, and those "boxing" matches also included head butting, choking, and possibly even wet willies.
In 1743, a champion fighter named Jack Broughton introduced some basic rules in order to reduce the possibility of an in-ring death. However, it wouldn't be until a competition sponsored by the Marquess of Queensbury in 1867 led to the rules that truly reduced the danger involved in competition.
Still, the sport continued to be outlawed in most of the United States, but that did little to dampen its popularity. Instead, it was seen as the fastest path to money and glory for immigrants and the poor. The sport would finally earn mainstream acceptance midway through the 20th century, though, in large part due to heavyweight champ Joe Louis's knockout of Max Schmeling, a fight that had tremendous geopolitical implications.
The sport would reach its zenith in the latter half of the century, with iconic fighters like Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, and Mike Tyson becoming some the most well-known (and best-paid) athletes on the planet. Boxing's popularity has been waning of late, but it will likely only take a single charismatic champion to put the sport back firmly in the public eye.
That, or the triumphant return of that limb-piercer thing.
How To Use Your Speed Bag
If you've ever seen Rocky, then you know that there are few things in life as satisfying as pounding out a steady rhythm on your speed bag.
Of course, if you've ever tried to actually use a speed bag, then you know it's not nearly as easy as it looks.
Keep your hands close to the bag for the duration of the drill.
Before you hit it, you should educate yourself on the rhythm. Don't try to smack it every time it bounces; instead, wait for it to bounce three times. It's going to hit the base in the back, then rebound to hit the base in front, then hit the base in back again, and then you can whack it one more time. This gives you the time necessary to get your fist back in position.
Speaking of which, don't start off with a closed hand. Loosely fold your fingers, and graze it gently with your knuckles, or even just your fingers. This will prevent you from hitting it too hard and making it difficult for you to establish a proper cadence.
Keep your hands close to the bag for the duration of the drill. Speed bags are about speed and precision, after all, so there's no need to unload a haymaker on the thing. When you hit with your left, the right should be in position, ready to take the next swipe.
Your hands should move in small circles as well, rather than back and forth. Again, these are not actual punches, which is why you should also stand square in front of the thing, rather than in a traditional stance.
With these tips and a little practice under your belt, you should be ready to go 12 rounds with the champ in no time.
Other Ways To Incorporate Boxing Into Your Workout
Boxing is one of the best ways to drop pounds, build muscle, and get your body into tip-top shape. Of course, you may not have the opportunity to get in the ring, but that shouldn't stop you from incorporating it into your workout.
Boxing is one of the best ways to drop pounds, build muscle, and get your body into tip-top shape.
One of the cheapest and most effective things you can add to your gym bag is a jump rope. Doing a punishing jumping routine will turbocharge your metabolism while also building endurance, not to mention a sexy, sculpted bottom half.
If you really want to feel like a prizefighter, however, you'll need a heavy bag. You can get a variety of exercises out of one of these things, and smacking it around is a great stress reliever.
One of the main things you should be looking to add, though, is the idea of circuit training. Boxers have to go for three minutes, with only a minute or less in between rounds. Doing that is a great way to keep your heart rate up, while also building up mental toughness. You can use a regular kitchen timer to pace yourself, or get an app for your phone.
If you stick with it, you'll likely fall in love with the results you see from adding a little fight to your routine. Beyond that, it's endlessly customizable, so if you ever find yourself bored with your workout, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
And I wouldn't mess with you — after all, you've been boxing lately.